Saturday, July 27, 2024

Turkinesia EN

Turkinesia EN

Indonesian experts praise Erdoğan’s UN speech for embracing humanism in diplomacy

TURKINESIA.NET - JAKARTA. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's speech at the U.N. General Assembly and his other diplomatic engagements in New York indicate that he has incorporated an element of humanism in the Turkish diplomacy, believe experts in Indonesia. Experts say that the Turkish president has given diplomacy a new look...
Turkinesia EN

Ankara, Jakarta important Muslim democracies: parliament speaker

TURKINESIA.NET - ANKARA. Turkey and Indonesia are two important democracies in the Muslim world, Turkey's parliament speaker said Friday . Speaking at reception of the 74th independence of Indonesia in Ankara, Mustafa Şentop said the two countries needed to strengthen their strategic partnership. "Turkey and Indonesia need to increase the...
Turkinesia EN

The forgotten history connecting modern Turkey and Malaysia

The Ottoman state and the rest of the Muslim world were far more interconnected than we realise today. What lessons do those connections hold? As an Ottoman historian of the 19th century, I often think to myself that after all that I read and teach regarding the Ottomans that there...